Jeremy M. Brown
Louisiana State University
Dept. of Biological Sciences & Museum of Natural Science
I joined the faculty of Louisiana State University in August 2011. An empirical biologist at heart, I develop, test, and apply statistical methods for inferring and using phylogenies. I have used these methods to address important biological questions including identification of the earliest diverging lineage of extant ants, the use of phylogenies as forensic tools in cases of HIV transmission, the phylogenetic placement of turtles & relationships among major groups of tetrapods, and the characterization of broad, genome-wide patterns of molecular evolution. Much of my work currently focuses on the development of (primarily Bayesian) statistical approaches for inferring evolutionary history from genomic data. I, and other members of the lab, also contribute to the development of open source software for conducting phylogenetic studies. Lately, we've been working a lot on the RevBayes and CloudForest software packages.
You can find me online in a variety of places: Twitter, Mastodon, Google Scholar, ORCiD.
I had the good fortune of working in the lab of Butch Brodie while I was an undergraduate Beckman Scholar at Indiana University. I earned my Ph.D. under the supervision of David Hillis at the University of Texas at Austin, where I was a Donald D. Harrington Fellow and an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. I then moved to the University of California at Berkeley, where I was an NSF Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of John Huelsenbeck and the Center for Theoretical Evolutionary Genomics.